Golden Spike Horse Trials 2024 Feedback Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this feedback survey. Your feedback will allow us to improve on the GSHT. Thank you!
To All Our Past, Current, and Future Eventing Members,
We regret to inform the Eventing Community that the Wasatch Pony Club (WPC) has decided to cancel the Pumpkin Mini Event for the 2024 season. This decision was not made lightly, and we want to be fully transparent about our reasons. The main factors influencing our decision are:
Low Projected Entries:
-2024 Chicken Event: 51 non-WPC entries; needed 74 to break even
2024 Golden Spike Horse Trials: 64 non-WPC entries; needed approx. 85 to break even
-Historical data shows the Pumpkin event attracts even fewer competitors
-Many Utah show also experienced a lull in entries this season
Area IX Conflicts
-The Pumpkin event overlaps with Tomora Horse Trials
-Potential conflict for competitors & impacting entries for both events
-Unfortunate oversight, however we do not want to support a precedence of scheduling any events (schooling shows, clinics, horse trials) that overlap with other Area IX events
Fiduciary Responsibility:
WPC is a nonprofit under the United States Pony Clubs (USPC) 501(c)(3) status. Responsible for advancing the USPC educational mission.
Shows are hosted to:
-Raise funds to support members and the USPC mission
-Promote land conservation through maintaining the cross-country course at Golden Spike Event Center
2023 and 2024 have been a net-negative fundraising effort
-We are projected to suffer a financial loss for the Pumpkin
-Running the event at a loss contradicts sustainability and jeopardizes financial health.
-WPC is not solely a show organization and must justify how spending funds are fulfilling the USPC mission.
-WPC reservoir funds are not exclusively earmarked for hosting shows when operating costs have been expended
-Using reservoir funds to run the Pumpkin at an anticipated loss, and with our current net-negative standing over the past 5 shows, is demonstrating a priority of WPC funds for hosting shows versus using funds to fulfill the USPC mission, which is how we maintain a nonprofit status.
Given these considerations, the club decided that, although this is disappointing, it is in the best interest of WPC, our nonprofit status, and our future event viability. We appreciate your understanding and continued support, and hope this highlights the importance of participation in our future events.
We look forward to hosting the 2025 WPC Trio (Chicken, GSHT, Pumpkin) as vibrant, well-attended events. We are taking the low entries as a call to action to enhance our future competitions. Stay tuned for exciting improvements and our renewed commitment to excellence.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Wasatch Pony Club
Love riding and learning about horses? Want to be a part of a club that's dedicated to helping youth learn about horsemanship? Then WPC is for you!
WPC is a local chapter of the United States Pony Club. It is a non-profit organization for young people, dedicated to affording its members the highest level of equine education and competition.
WPC members are the stewards of the Golden Spike Cross Country course in Ogden, Utah. The course provides important riding opportunities for both western and english riders of all ages.
For more information click on About Pony Club or visit the United States Pony Club website at www.ponyclub.org.